Singing Guide: I'll Be There

Singing Guide: I'll Be There

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

In this article, we will explore how to learn singing like Michael Jackson, specifically in his hit song "I'll Be There."

Jackson's unique vocal techniques include his use of falsetto and his signature vocal hiccups. Notably, in "I'll Be There," he uses his falsetto range to create a soft and tender delivery of the song's emotional lyrics.

To learn to sing like Jackson in "I'll Be There," we recommend the following steps:

  1. Analyze Your Voice. Understanding your voice type is important when learning to sing like Jackson. Take Singing Carrots' vocal range test to determine your voice type and range.
  2. Practice Breathing and Warm-up Exercises. Michael Jackson's singing emphasized his breath control. Singing Carrots' basic breathing and warm-up exercises such as, Farinelli Breathing and 3 Minute Warm-up Videos can be a good starting point to improve your breath control.
  3. Practice Singing in Falsetto. Falsetto is an essential part of Jackson's singing style. Practice exercises like "Twang" and "Voice Break" to develop your falsetto range.
  4. Learn the Song. Learning the song "I'll Be There" can be done by finding the right song version that matches your vocal range. We suggest using Singing Carrots' search engine for that purpose.
  5. Watch Performances & Refine Your Technique. Watch live performances of Michael Jackson singing "I'll Be There" or other similar songs by him. As you do this, focus on his unique vocal hiccups and how he expresses emotions through his voice.

Additional resources on Singing Carrots that you can use to improve your vocal technique and singing skills are pitch accuracy tests, the pitch monitoring tool, and the vocal training game. You can also explore Singing Carrots' articles related to vocal technique, song learning, and performance tips, including "How to analyze your voice," "Voice registers & vocal break," "Emotion-control/Performing," and "Tips for performing on stage."

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.